Monday, May 16, 2011


Easter really snuck up on me this year, but that made it an easy going week. I wanted to try coloring eggs with Andrea this year and kept trying to figure out a night when we could do it with Ryan, but between him mowing lawns in the evening and me going to aerobics it just didn't work out. In all honesty, I knew Ryan wouldn't care if we did it without him, so we did it during the day.  
My first plan was to just let Andrea put stickers on the egss but I couldn't believe how well she did at carefully lowering the eggs into the dye. I only boiled about 14 eggs but I wish I had more, it was a lot of fun and Andrea loved it!
 When I was young the Easter Bunny always hid the egss we had dyed. I don't remember getting plastic ones filled with candy. So I thought we would have the best of both worlds and re-use the plastic eggs from last year as well as the real ones. We heard the weather was going to be bad on Easter so we decided to let Andrea hunt for Eggs on Saturday, plus it would give us more time to get ready for chuch the next day. Even this 2 year old is too smart of the Easter Bunny... while hunting she told us "thanks for the eggs guys". And after she emptied the candy from the eggs she asked where the Easter Bunny went so she could give him his candy back :)
Sunday she found her Easter basket on the island after we had let her wake up for a while. The Easter Bunny left her a bunny Mrs. Potato Head, new sandals, Minnie pajamas, peeps, a chickie that chirps, and a chocolate bunny. Only a little girl would be most excited about the shoes!
Sunday we put on our most Eastery dresses, and Ryan put on his usual boring church clothes and headed to church. In Nursery they also joined in on the Easter fun. One of the Nursery leaders had planned an Easter party. They hunted for eggs and got to eat lots of candy. When I went in to do music time Andrea was wearing the funniest bunny glasses. The best part was... she was the only little one wearing hers and she never took them off, not even on the ride home.
Grandma and Grandpa gave us all our own chocolate bunny when we joined them for Easter dinner and even Grandma LaVelle had a little basket of coins for Andrea to put in her piggy bank. What a fun Easter weekend, I know we all enjoyed it, especially Andrea.

1 comment:

Hayley said...

lmao "Thanks for the eggs, guys!" Love it.

I never hide the boiled eggs... mostly because I'm scatterbrained and won't be able to find them if the kids don't! Could make for a smelly disaster later on...