Friday, April 8, 2011

Hello, it's Me

I often get depressed when I blog hop, everyone's life seems so perfect. Then I realize that my life probably comes off the same way. Most blogs are all about holidays, birthdays, vacations, and cute babies. My friend Kristi and I were discussing this one day at lunch and I was inspired to open up a little more. I use this blog as a journal and one day hope Andrea will appreciate the few things I wrote about. But I also want her to know that our life wasn't perfect, so I'm hoping to become a little more realistic.
First confession... depression. Being a stay-at-home Mom is so difficult emotionally. I know it's just a small moment in time, and I know it's best for Andrea, and that is why I do it but it would be so much easier to send her to a day care while I get paid and get some adult interaction. It's surprising when I talk with other stay-at-home Mothers and hear how many of them are on anti-depressants. I've been there, and don't want to do that again, so I guess the result is a lot of days that leave me crying at the drop of a hat. After a year of staying home full time, these day are getting farther in between and I'm adjusting to our routine and lifestyle. I think the cause for my depression is the feeling that I am a nobody. Most days no one calls me, no one even sees me. If it weren't for facebook I would feel even more alone. While working I talked with countless co-workers and felt like the job I did was important and necessary, now all the sudden the world keeps turning without me.

Andrea and I have a great relationship, we laugh together, we clean together, we cook together, we understand each other. When I do have those "breakdown" moments she come and gives me a kiss and says "are you happy again?", what can I do but say "of course that makes Mommy happy again!" so the plus of staying at home is to have a close relationship with my daughter. I can't wait til we can go shopping together, to the movies, on vacations...

My entire life growing up I dreamed of being a stay-at-home Mom and all my friends in High School know that I wanted to be a "walking, talking, baby factory". Now that it's all come to reality my dreams have changed. I really can see the benefits of an only child and right now without insurance it really does look like the way to go. So there you have it, a little bit of our real world, as a preview to more down to earth post yet to come.


Kristi said...

I really admire you for opening up like this because I know how difficult it is for you sometimes to be at home. I am always impressed by your resolution to stay happy and be a good mom. And anyone who sees you with Andrea would also see that you are a wonderful mom - that beautiful little girl is living proof of that.

sflo said...

I second what Kristi said. You're a good mother. Keep your chin up and find the sunshine in those darker days. If you ever need to talk, you know where to find me.

bunchocoffeys said...

Thank you for voicing what I believe many other stay at home mom's are too embarrassed to say. I feel the same way and wish it wasn't so difficult for me to pack up so many small ones so I could get out of the house more often for playdates, etc. I think its wonderful that you have such a close relationship with your daughter, one of my best friends is still super close to her mom, and I'm a bit jealous of that. I sometimes wonder if my mom and I would be closer if she hadn't worked full time when I was growing up. I hope that Joey and I can stop butting heads soon and enjoy each others company a bit more again soon. :)

(Wow, sorry for the novel! Keep up the good work, and I look forward to more of the unfiltered Lee Life.)