Thursday, February 10, 2011

Andrea's 2nd Birthday

Andrea's birthday this year was so much fun! She was old enough to understand just about everything. When we were preparing her for the big day and would ask "how old are you going to be on your birthday?" she would reply "two candles". And when we asked what she wanted for her birthday she would say cake. Until about a week before, when she said she wanted a truck, and that remained her answer for quite a while. So Ryan and I had to go buy a last minute truck so she wouldn't be dissapointed.

Anyone who knows this little girl knows what kind of theme her party would be... Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. That was definately a no-brainer! So Ryan and I found some cute stuff from Zurchers: plates, cups, a banner, and a centerpiece. I ordered balloons from Macey's and told them I wanted Mickey Mouse birthday balloons, I guess they assumed it was for a boy because most of the balloons were blue, but she didn't care!

I had been wanting to attempt a fondant cake at some point after watching so many cake shows on TV, so I thought I would attempt Mickey's head. I must say I am very proud of this cake! Having never made fondant before and having the first batch of cakes fail, it's a miracle it turned out.

Andrea liked it so much she would keep asking to say hi to Mickey in the fridge and wanted to kiss the cake. We made sure to put her back on the floor before she witnessed the knife cutting through her most beloved friend.  

She was spoiled, as always, by all the people that love this little girl. She got so many fun new toys, a couple of vehicles (which she has been in need of, our little tom boy), a new spring wardrobe, and even a mother-daughter apron set.
Thank you so much for all of those who came and celebrated with us, and for those who make sure she knows she is loved from afar, we really are blessed with great friends and family! I am so excited that Andrea is two, not really sad at all, I love seeing her grow and explore the world around her.


Heather said...

That is a beautiful looking cake, Kristi! Way to go!.

Kristi said...

It was a fun evening and I was glad to be a part of it. You should definitely be proud of that cake - it tasted just as good as it looked! Love that little girl...

sflo said...

I love that cake! Way to go, Kristy. :) She is a lucky little girl. I'm so glad she had a great birthday.

Hayley said...

That cake is awesome. Think you could whip up another for tomorrow night for Cade's party? Well, fine.

I can't believe how big she's getting. What a cute tomboy you have!

Also- you're lookin' hot, mama!

Stacee Maree said...

I am very impressed by that cake. Way to go!!!

Stacy said...

How fun, and I love the cake. Can you believe that she is two?