Monday, January 24, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

I realized, as I was reading over past posts, that anyone reading this blog would assume that Andrea has been sleeping in her toddler bed like a champ for months now... you would be wrong. She does sleep through the night, and falls asleep on her own, but she sleeps on the love seat in the living room :)
 It all started a few months ago when she got a 7 day stomach flu and I knew she wouldn't get through the night without vomiting. So we let her sleep on the love seat and I slept on the couch so I could be there when she got sick. Well since the flu just wouldn't go away she got in a bad habit of sleeping in the front room. We tried to do the "cry it out" thing that worked so well last time, but after a week there was no progress. So Ryan and I decided to "pick our battles".

She takes a nap beautifully, and goes night night without a fuss. We just learned to turn the TV to something she isn't interested in. If we turn on Mickey or Yo Gabba Gabba she doesn't fall asleep, but if we watch one of our shows she is asleep in minutes. It's also a benefit that I have the couch available for me, when she does have a rough night. Last week she had an ear infection and sore throat so I stayed in the living room with her to get more medicine during the night.

Her bed is now used as a bench for her stuffed animals and it's also where she prefers to have her diaper changed, instead of on her changing table.
I'm hoping one day when she's older she'll get excited about a new twin bed and we can work out a reward system. But for now, we'll keep our lives simple by letting her sleep where she feels safe.

1 comment:

Awesome Oettli's said...

Thank You- I have been feeling like such a loser for keeping my son in a crib. I don't want to go to a toddler bed because he WILL get up and get out- I know this, I don't need to do a trial. Yes, I have been thinking about your previous post in the back of my mind and wondering how you seem to have all the control-

Thanks for being real- I am all up for picking my battles and have no interest in creating a new one at this time ( I need to get my a** in gear about the binki)