Tuesday, March 8, 2011

In Training

This is week 3 of potty training at our house. It's been slow but promising. It began with entertaining Andrea as long as I could while she sat on the potty. After two days of that I needed a break to catch up on housework. Andrea, however, decided to bring me the potty and go peepee without being asked :) Ever since then it's been a "no pressure" situation with her going when she asks to or me sitting with her when she is willing to camp out there for a while. So far we have had a record of 3 potty peepees in one day.

When she does go she gets a chocolate chip, and a sticker on her potty chart. After filling up the chart she gets to go get a toy. We've also bought some Dora pull-ups and have treated those as a reward. She gets to put them on after a sucessful potty visit. I don't know how to get her over the last hurdle of recognizing when to go and going everytime, but I've been patient because I don't want her to hate the potty.

On a side note, Andrea is back to sleeping in her bed. A few weeks ago she began a bad trend of getting up several times each night even when sleeping on the couch. So we figured if this isn't working we might as well start the bed fight again. It went much smoother than I had prepared myself for, after one night of me sleeping on the floor, and another of putting her right back to bed when she got up, she had a successful third night. Ever since she naps and goes to bed beautifully in her bed.

1 comment:

Hayley said...

Yay! No more diapers at the Lee household soon! Well, until baby #2 comes along ;-) Yeah, that's right, I said it.

I've totally turned into a hermit. I should probably reactivate my facebook, but... eh.