Monday, March 16, 2009


Well, being a stay-at-home is a little more of an adjustment than I thought it would be but I think I'm finally getting used to it. I must say that it is so nice knowing that I can nap whenever I need and it doesn't really matter what time I get a chance to shower or brush my teeth. However, I think I'll enjoy it even more when I can feel more productive. As of right now, I get really excited with each piece of clothing I am able to hang or bottle I am able to wash while she's asleep, but it's just a matter of time until I hear that hunger cry.

Here are a few more pictures of our sweet girl.

This one we like to call her "O face", she does it when she first wakes up.
Her and Daddy taking a nap together, no one can put us to sleep like she can.

And last but not least, a picture of what I spend most of my day doing... kissing my sweetheart.


Hayley said...

First! Woot woot! It is quite the adjustment, isn't it?? Just wait til she's a toddler... and you're incubating another. It's fun, though.

She looks cute! That pic of her and Ryan sleeping is pretty freakin cute.

Melissa said...

Isn't motherhood amazing, but at the same time overwhelming. The best is when it's 2:00(pm) and you're still in your pj's. good times, good times. Way cute pictures of your little one. I hope your enjoying your time with her. I'm proud of you making the jump from full-time worker to stay at home mommie. It's quite a shock. But at least now you'll have tons of time to focus on the blogging world :) j/k But we are always here for you. Keep in touch!!

Sara said...

Those are some adorable pictures! Peyton used to make the "O face" too. Oh, they grow up so quickly! It was so fun to be able to see Andrea in person this weekend, and of course you and Ryan. (Does it feel like you're second best now for most people? ;)) My kids can't stop talking about "Baby Ann-Rea" as Meryn says.

Hayley said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I couldn't remember if it was today or the 23rd, but I figure... close enough!

Holy moly, we're old.