Monday, September 15, 2008

September Summary

During the month of September I had plenty of "I could blog about this" moments, but haven't had time to do it. So it took a sick day from work to begin a draft and a few mornings during breakfast, but here are the highlights.

United Way
On September 4th, I participated in the United Way Day of Caring with some other volunteers from my work. We enjoyed a free breakfast at the Gateway Mall and then stayed at the mall for our service project. Our project was assembling science kit project for 5th graders, but first we got a private tour of the children's museum. It was fun to see everyone enjoying the activities as much as any kid would. Once we began to work on the science kits, my table was assigned to writing letters on test tubes, it may not sound too exciting but the women at my table made it a lot of fun. At one point, I was asked to help in a different area (filing paperwork) and it broke my heart!
Peyton's Birthday
The following Saturday was my nephew Peyton's birthday, so we celebrated by going to the zoo and Chuck-e-cheese with the whole family. It was a fun day, I forgot how many exhibits there really are at the zoo. I think Ryan could have kept going for a few more hours but the rest of us were ready for lunch!Ultrasound
On September 8th, I had my second ultrasound, meaning we got to find out the sex of the baby. For those of you who haven't heard already... it's a girl! The ultrasound technician couldn't print a picture of the "gender" because of past lawsuits. She also emphasized that no ultrasound is 100% accurate when it comes to the sex of the baby, but said she was 90% sure and gave us the go ahead to buy some pink onesies. All other measurements during the ultrasound were where they should be and my due date got moved back up again by a week, wahoo! Here is my favorite ultrasound picture of her rubbing her eye.
Anniversary Weekend
Our anniversary happens to be the same day as Peyton's birthday, so we decided to celebrate it the following weekend and stay in Park City. Of course, Thursday night I started coughing.... this led to an interesting "romantic" weekend. Each day my cold got worse, and I tried my hardest not to let it interfere. We still hit the outlet stores and Main St, but we spent the evenings in the room just relaxing and trying to make the tissues last. Normally, I wouldn't consider going to Wal-Mart part of a "get-away" weekend, but we had stop there twice. Once for juice and hot cocoa, and the second time for tissues and a movie. Being sick is so different when you're pregnant. I had no appetite, but had to force myself to eat because I kept worrying about the baby, Ryan felt I still wasn't eating enough.

Last, but not least, my friend Kristi came over this past week and taught me how to can peaches. We canned peach halves and made some peach jam. I wish I would have taken more pictures of the process, but below is a picture of the "fruits of our labor". It was a lot of fun, and I think canning could be a potential hobby!


Sara said...

You are a domestic goddess! :) Way to go on the peaches. I'm glad you're feeling better, too. It is the pitts to be pregnant and sick, it just makes everything worse somehow. And of course I loved the picture of the baby. Does it make is more real, or is it still abstract?

Stacy said...

A GIRL! Wow we're excited for you. Good luck with the unpleasant things about pregnancy. The only advise I have is that it does end and before you know it she'll be 2 and throwing water around your house (Don't ask.) It sounds like you had a great September.

katrina said...

Hey, I congratulations about the baby. That is so exciting. Have you guys picked out names yet?

Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't get a chance to see you this past week. Glad we have the Blog and facebook to keep in touch though!

So, is being a walking, talking baby factory everything you hoped for and more?