Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Well, the play is over... Hallelujah! I thought being involved in Theatre in High School took up a lot of time, but with a job and a family... this time was so much worse! During the last few weeks of the production, getting there on time meant leaving work early so I could grab dinner at home and leave. I wouldn't mind sacrificing so much if it was something I was passionate about, but I have discovered I am not! At least now I know that the theatre does not need to be a part of my life, my husband and family are all that I need.

Speaking of family, the pregnancy is going well. A few weeks ago we were lucky enough to have an early ultrasound and see the little peanut. It made me feel so much better to see that there is actually a baby in there. I'm guessing I'll find out what sex the baby is around the first of September, until then... the collections department at work says it's a girl due to the results of "the ring test". It doesn't matter at all to Ryan and I whether it is a boy or a girl, but somehow I was determined it was a boy. So after the ring test results, I really had to rethink the possibility of a girl.


chedner said...

Hallelujah indeed!

Although I will miss seeing you often!

sflo said...

It always helps you breathe that sigh of relief having the ultrasound. I can't wait til you find out what the gender is because I've already been looking at baby gifts!