Saturday, May 24, 2014

Preschool Graduation

Our baby graduated preschool this week, and I only cried a little, not even enough to roll down my cheek.  But my eyes did well up a little, more with pride than sadness.  I'm so proud of how wonderful she is, and smart she is.  She was one of the few members of the "100 Club" in her class, meaning she can count to 100.  She was the only one in her class to pass off all of her letters, that means knowing the sounds, and how to write them both upper case and lower case.  And when I volunteered in her class I was so proud of the way she acted.  Other than giving me too many hugs during my visit she always acted how I would expect her to.
It was fun to attend her graduation because both the a.m. class and p.m. class were combined so I got to see my nephew Roland, and other kids from our ward primary.
I was trying to take a picture of the cousins together, but was taking a video by accident.  The video was still pretty cute, so here it is.
Their teachers had taken photos of them all year long and put them on a DVD that we could purchase.  I thought that was so thoughtful and wonderful to get an inside glimpse of how the school year was for the kids.
I hope she gets a good kindergarten teacher because Mrs. Christensen, and co-teacher Mrs. Molgard really had the system down and everything was beautifully run.  We were so blessed to have such an awesome preschool, especially free of charge, and only a walk away from our home.

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