Monday, July 8, 2013

4th of July

This year was the first year that my childhood home was owned by someone else, and we weren't sure where to sit for the parade.  Luckily the new owners, the Coopers, were nice enough to allow us to join their family to watch the parade in the same spot we always have. 
I'm putting a before pic of Andrea, you see that her hair is done, her shirt fits, she is wearing her hat, by the end of the parade she was a hot mess!
 Brigitta and Roland were pretty particular about what candy they would actually pick up.  The white salt water taffy was never one of the favored few.  Andrea was not prejudice when it came to candy, so she had quite the full bag by the end.
Thank goodness for umbrellas!
Told ya.... a hot mess! Her and I made her shirt weeks ago and she's been dying to wear it. That night we joined Ryan's parents for some store bought fireworks.  Now that Utah has legalized bottle rockets their neighbors had some that were a little more exciting than ours. 
Ryan wanted to drive up Smelter Road to get some photos of the fireworks throughout the town, this one is my favorite.
The city fireworks were the next night after a concert, so we planned to lay in a park nearby but the rain starting pouring down about 20 minutes before the fireworks started and it never fully let up.  Luckily they still launched them and it was a good show, but Ryan couldn't take pictures and we had to watch from inside the car.

1 comment:

Hayley said...

She is getting so big. Love the shirt you made!

PS- Clue was on the other day... I thought of you and watched the whole thing.