Friday, April 5, 2013


After our Vegas trip Easter snuck up on us fast.  Feels like we had to squeeze the holiday activities into two days.  Saturday we colored eggs and then quickly turned them into devilled eggs for dinner with Grandma Linda and Grandpa Gary. 
This year I thought I would try dying the peeled whites in the dye as well and it was a big success. 
Sunday morning the Easter bunny left his usual scavenger hunt for Andrea which led to the bathtub where she found her basket full of goodies: The Lorax movie (which we've watched every day since), and new outfit, a ring, and candies.
I quickly made our traditonial Easter bunny pancakes and then Andrea got to hunt for eggs in the back yard.
Andrea and I got dressed in our new easter dresses for church, not very matchy matchy this year.
After church we had dinner with Grandpa Jim, Grandma Joan, Eric, Amy, Brigitta, Roland, Brent, and Becky.  We also served our newly discovered died devilled eggs :) And we had lots of yummy food, maybe better than Thanksgiving!

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