Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Big 3

Last week Andrea turned 3 years old. On her actually birthday, Thursday, we decided to take her out to dinner at the place of her choice. She wanted to go to the "astaraunt where the ceiling opens and the balloons fly up". For those of you who don't know, the Garden, at the Joseph Smith Building, lets you release a balloon on your birthday. Andrea discovered this in December when we ate there before we saw the Temple Lights.

Before we went to dinner we gave her one present, a jewelry box with a spinning ballerina on top. She also asked to open her package from my parents, and who are we to argue when it's her day. Grandma Joan and Grandpa Jim gave her a Cinderella doll that sings "Happy Birthday" along with some dresses for the doll, and the movie Cinderella. So on the way to dinner she got to watch the movie and bring the doll. She felt she needed to make the doll sing everytime there was a song in the movie.
At dinner we came to learn that the roof was actually broken, but they gave her a balloon anyway and we asked if she wanted to go release it outside, but she just wanted to keep it. I was worried she would be upset, but she seemed to understand.

Andrea had asked for a Princess Birthday party, so Friday night we invited some family and friends over for some cake and ice cream. I knew the cake I had planned wouldn't feed too many people, so we baked some cupcakes as well. A lot of our guests weren't able to make it, because of sickness or family needs, so we ended up not even cutting into the cake that night, but Ryan and I have enjoyed most of it since.
Andrea got some very nice gifts, some cash, a bubble gum machine, a cabbage patch doll, a new dress and outfit. A couple of books, a puzzle, the movie "Up", and a new game for her mobigo.
Her crown from Aunt Amy
The biggest hit has been a bag of balls that Amy had sewn for Andrea. These balls make an appearance everyday, and are hers and Daddy's favorite thing to play with. Bracken and Andrea also play with them all the time.