Monday, November 14, 2011

She's a Small Wonder

There are things I am always telling myself to "never forget" about my little girl but I'm afraid I will, so I'm going to blog a few of them:
1. She is always singing... real songs, made up songs, it doesn't matter. I know she gets this from me, and I know I got it from my Mom. She even plays right along when I make up a song. For instance, if I sing "Let's go get your PJs on, do da do da" to the tune of Camptown races, she will sing right back "No, no, no, no, no, no, no do da do da".

2. She named her Baby doll "Sauel", pronounced like "Samual" without the M. Don't know where she came up with that, and this is the only baby she has named, of course it's the oldest and most worn out doll that she's attached to.
3. She LOVES puzzles, she would do them all day long if I had the patience. 12 piece puzzles she can do all on her own but more than that she needs to be handed a piece that can connect somewhere at the moment. Even when I do my 750, 1000 piece puzzles she loves to help and gets a few matches!

4. She has, what the doctor called, a "geographical" tongue. She gets ringworm-canker looking spots on her tongue randomly.
Here you can see one of the sores on the left side. The doctor said they don't hurt her but they will probably just make her taste more sensitive. Which leads me to my next quirk...

5. She will only drink milk if it has orange juice in it. 3/4 milk, 1/4 oj. It's been this way ever since she switched from formula and I've tried plain milk again occationally and she won't have it. Other than that her tastes are quite advanced for a 2 year old. She LOVES tuna, tomatoes, cooked carrots, and will try anything. The only thing I've found that she doesn't like is marshmellows, what kid doesn't like marshmellows?! Mine.

6. She rubs her ear while she drinks. It's usually her right ear but she'll switch if Ryan or I start rubbing the left one just to tease her. Ryan noticed this about her quite a while ago. Here is a recent photo, and one last Christmas.
Yes, she is a small wonder, but I love all her little quirks and look forward to experiencing all that her personality has to offer!


Happy Herrons said...

She is a cute kiddo and I am glad you are in our ward. Come for our play date soon!!!

sflo said...

She is getting so big! What a cutie. Am I the visitor from Lava Hot Springs, ID? Haha! Cool.