Monday, November 8, 2010


This Fall has been full of fun activities for our Family. For the first time I thought I would go check out the Pumpkin Walk at the Benson Grist Mill. Ryan was sick that day so I was grateful that my friend Kristi was interested in joining Andrea and I. There were a lot of cute booths, one including a photo opportunity by Sundloff Photography, who did Andrea's newborn photos. Here is her cute picture with the pumpkins:
  We tried to grow our own pumpkins this year and had no luck. We've done it before, so we'll try again next year I guess. Instead we decided to go to a local pumpkin patch that is right by our house to get some pumpkins. We happened to go on the last day they were open, they had run out of good pumpkins, which meant each pumpkin was only $2. We never even got to carve them between Andrea's 7 day stomach flu and Ryan being out of town we just never got the chance, so I packed the candles and carving kits for next year. Andrea still enjoyed the pumpkin patch and watching the dog who would run along next to the tractor.
Our ward's Trunk or Treat was on Tuesday before Halloween. I wanted Andrea to participate since I didn't know how much actual trick or treating she would do this year. I was hoping that she was over her stomach flu by then and it had been over 24 hours since her last episode so I figured we were safe. Ryan couldn't join us because it was his turn with the flu so I thought I would give it a go alone. I made sure our candy bucket was always full and took her around to the different trunks. Our trunk won the "Brightest", we had a light up strand of garland as well as a plug in Jack O Lantern to accompany our trick or treat figurines. Andrea seemed to really enjoy the evening and I'm thankful for the ward members who helped me with my single parent struggles!
Now for actual Halloween, geez I'm already exhausted... Andrea was a Monkey as you may have already noticed. I found the costume on sale and I figure I might as well get a bargain before she starts deciding what her costume is going to be. I added the bows since she didn't look much like a girl without them. 
 Our friends Opee and Tara invited us over for some homemade stew (which was delicious) before we all took the kids trick or treating on Main Street. Once we arrived on Main and saw what a mess it was we changed our minds. Not only was it raining but there were just too many people for it to be enjoyable. So we stayed long enough to meet up with my brother's family and take a photo and then we left. My neice Brigitta dressed as Fufa from Yo Gabba Gabba and her brother Roland was was Plex the Robot to match. My sister-in-law always impresses me with her sewing ability!
 One last picture with Opee and Tara's children, Spencer the dragon and Abbie the princess. Andrea was over the idea of being a Monkey by this point! Ryan and Opee have decided that sometimes as parents Halloween just seems like too much of a hassle so they removed the "Happy" leaving you with... "Halloween Everyone!"

1 comment:

sflo said...

Don't feel bad about your pumpkins not growing. A lot of people had trouble this year. :( I'm glad Andrea was feeling better so she could join the Halloween fun.