Friday, May 2, 2008

My weight success

Recently I have reached my goal of loosing 45 pounds, wahoo! Now my goal, of course, is to keep it off! To do so I have created Kristy's weight loss commandments. I figured if others actually read them, I will be forced to keep them:

5. If you are going to drink soda, drink diet soda. - This hasn't been a problem for me just because I am a soda craver, diet or not, the switch wasn't difficult. What makes me mad though, is that diet drinks have 0 caleries, where fruit juice, even gatorade carry calories. That's why I love finding other options like flavored water or G2, which both still have calories just less.
4. When at a fast food joint, order the grilled chicken sandwich and cancel the fries. - I have learned these are the closest thing to "healthy" you are going to find at fast food, unless they have salads (hold the dressing). I have actually come to grave grilled chicken sandwiches.
3. Eat Quaker Oats (lower sugar) oatmeal for breakfast. - This is another item I have come to crave, even after eating it nearly every morning for the past 9 months.
2. Days under my control, eat wise. - Somedays I don't have control over what is on the menu. Birthdays, holidays, trips, are all great reasons for me to give in and enjoy delicious treats. But during the work week, when I have control over breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I'm going to make wise choices.
1. Ask yourself "Is it worth it". - If the item in question is Tirimusu... the answer is usually "yes". But I try to think "eating this brownie, is worth a half an hour on the eliptical... is it worth it". Most of the time the answer is no, but if it's a rare treat I take the opportunity.

There you have it, my 5 commandments. So if you see me not doing these things, please tell me, the best success comes from support. Here is a before and after shot, I'm definately not bragging... I just never thought I would have a before and after when it comes to weight loss.


Stacy said...

Woo who! You look great. Maybe I'll try these on Rick.

. said...

Questy you look great, it will be good to see you in a couple of weeks.

Kristi said...

Congrats, Kristy! You look great, and I'm going to keep those commandments in mind as I try and lose my 15 lbs. You are definitely motivation for me - you look great!