Sunday, November 4, 2012

Camp Trailer

This year we brought new adventure into our lives by investing in a camp trailer.  Ryan had been talking about one for a while and I had no idea of how we could ever afford one.  However, our friend made us an offer we can't refuse which included a big price cut if Ryan would help him improve his lawn this summer.  So Ryan adjusted and replaced sprinkler heads, fertilized, aerated, even applied bug barrier to the house, and I think we are all satisfied with the deal.

Ryan and I look the trailer out in September without Andrea to make sure everything worked and to decided what we will need a regular basis for camping in the future. Everything but the heater works, and we'll figure that out soon enough.  But we came home with a big list of things like "soap, towels, salt and pepper, scissors, first aid kit" and so on that we needed for the next trip. 

The next trip we decided it was Andrea's turn to test out the trailer.  We didn't go far from home about a 20 minute drive south of town, and didn't have much of an agenda. 

 We cooked some yummy dutch oven and tried a chocolate dessert, did some exploring in the nearby hills, Andrea and Daddy spelled our names in Rocks by our campsite.
 When it go colder we went inside and played some games until it was time for bed.  We camped fairly close to a military base, so we got to hear taps that night and Ryan heard Reville early the next morning.  It got quite cold that night, and by quite I mean freezing! We had to turn on the stove occationally just long enough to take the chill out of the air. 
Both tables fold come down and make up three beds so it was just right for all of us. The next morning we didn't do much just packed up and went home, we all needed to thaw out!
Ryan has big plans for the trailer, a lot he would like to update and modify. We already painted the outside, and have added lots of accessories, Ryan would like to update the cabinets and walls.  My job is to re-upholster and make new curtains, good thing I have all winter! Let's hope this trailer brings lot of fun memories for our family, right now all is does for me is make me shiver from the memory of that cold night!

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