Thursday, June 28, 2012

Andrea's Dreams of a Dream Light

This is post number 101, can you believe it?  I'm so proud of myself for keeping at least this much of a record of our lives.  All though it's not a typical journal, it's the only one I've got, so that's what keeps me posting. 

I'm sure any parent who has a child between the ages of two and, oh, ten, knows what a Dream Light is.  Andrea has been begging for one ever since she saw the commerical.  For those of you who don't know, the Dream Light is from the makers of Pillow Pets and projects stars on the ceiling in changing colors.  It also has a 20 minute timer for once your child falls asleep.  I'm a sucker when it comes to Andrea and of course, I wanted to give in.  I knew Ryan wouldn't be so eager when he saw the price, so we made her earn it. 

She's been in a major bout of the Terrible Threes lately and we were hoping to improve her obsession with the word "no".  She could earn her Dream Light but saying "Okay Mom" or "Okay Dad".  "Andrea, it's time for bed"... "Andrea, will you put those toys back in your room?"... "Andrea can you be quiet while Mom is on the phone?".  You get the idea, everytime she said "Okay" (and followed through) she got to color a square on her Dream Light chart. By the second week Ryan and I both commented what a difference we had seen in her.  It may be only temporary, but it was worth it!

Today she got her Dream Light and she was thrilled, she kept hugging me all day thanking me and once I even got "Thanks for making my Dream Light chart Mom".  Once Daddy came home from work he got all the same thanks, she really is a grateful girl and always has been. It was so fun to see the joy from her hard work paying off.


sflo said...

I really, really like your idea of having her earn it that way. I might have to try that with some of my kids. I've had them earn something by doing extra work, but I haven't tried it for their behavior. :) She is getting so big. What a cutie!

Stacee Maree said...

That is all cora wants for her birthday. Where did you find it? Please fill me in. I don't want to get it on line and pay another 7 bucks for it.