Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bedtime Wishes and Fishy Dreams

As you all know the Andrea-bed-couch struggle has been ongoing for some time now. I decided it was time again to try and get to her to sleep in her bed again. This decision usually comes when she will no longer sleep through the night on the couch either.

Ryan has wanted to get Andrea some fish for a while. She gets so excited whenever we encounter a fish tank at a restaurant or the doctor's office. I finally agreed that if she would sleep in her bed for 10 nights she could get some fish.

The qualification for a sticker on the chart was simple... she had to wake up in her bed. So yes, there were several nights that I had to take her back to bed, and sit there with her for a while. There were also some unsuccessful nights when she asked to go back to the couch. So it took about 2 weeks to get the 10 stickers, but she did it! And 6 of those nights were undisturbed genuine full nights in her bed, I can't believe it!
She ended up getting 3 fish, a snail, and we are still looking for a "pink mermaid" decoration that she thinks the tank needs. When we ask her the names of the fish they are "Mommy" "Daddy" and "Nemo". I just don't like that "Mommy" happens to be the biggest one!

1 comment:

Happy Herrons said...

It's cause the mommy is so important (that she is the biggest)