Thursday, November 22, 2007

Tag, I'm it!

Well, Kristi has tagged me... and from what I understand that means I need to share 6 things about me that most of you probably don't know. This will take some thinking but I'll do my best:

1. I love old movies, some of you already know this because I have forced you to watch them with me. I don't go as far back as black and white movies but more 50s and 60s. To name a few: On Moonlight Bay, By the Light of the Silvery Moon, Tammy and the Batchelor, White Christmas, The Music Man, That Darn Cat, The Pajama Game, Calamity Jane, Come September, Pillow Talk, and so on. I love the Doris Day- Rock Hudson era.

2. I have a talent for impressions and remembering song lyrics but my childhood... almost completely gone from my memory. I lot of people tell me that once I have children of my own things will come back to me, I sure hope so because it really saddens me!

3. I cannot stand for my pillow and Ryan's pillow to touch. I know that I have OCD when it comes to a lot of things, but that is probably the most evident situation. I cannot sleep if his pillow is touching mine or if the mattress isn't perfectly aligned with the box spring.

4. I color and cut my own hair. It's so funny to me to listen to ladies talk about their next hair appointment, and the fact that they schedule them so frequently! I had a bad experience paying 40 dollars to have my hair streaked black when I wanted some "low lights", and a bad experience when I wanted "layers" and got a mullet. So I figured I am really the only person who knows exactly what I want, so I do it myself.

5. I don't like pie. It's quit ironic that I am posting this tid-bit on Thanksgiving. I would much rather have cake or cookies. It's not that I hate pie all together, there are a select few that I like, turtle (which is more like a cake), and berry pies are alright. But I don't like pumpkin, key lime, banana cream, apple, and definately not shoofly.

6. Okay last one... I better make it good. Well, I had my four front teeth knocked out when I was two years old. That's right, I went 5-6 years saying things like "thpoon" "thnoopy" "kitheth". It's amazing I don't have a lisp, I still have a little trouble speaking but not nearly what it could be.

All right so I am now tagging the only person other than Kristi who reads this blog.... JULIE! Jules it's your turn to name 6 interesting things about yourself.


Kristi said...

Thanks for playing! I learned a lot about you. I'm definitely not a movie guru like you are, but I do enjoy a good Doris Day movie!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you said the Pajama Game for one of your movies... I would have been made at you if you hadn't! Okay, so I'm a slacker and obviously haven't read your blog for awhile, but I will accept the tag and think of things about me... hummmmm