Saturday, June 8, 2013


So, as promised in my previous post, here is a more elaborate experience of our day at Lagoon, pictures are worth a thousand words, and much easier than writing, so prepare yourself....

Here are a few photos of Andrea having the rides all to herself before the crowds arrived:

After enjoying the small crowds in the morning Ryan and I wanted to head to Pioneer Village's photography studio before the rush.  I wanted to get an "old timey" photo not just for me, but I knew it would be a good birthday gift for Linda since she had one taken with her sons about every year of their childhood.  Andrea just wanted to get back to the rides, understandable for a four-year-old,  so her unenthusiastic expression made for the perfect photo. 
Next we met up with Eric and Amy for lunch and offered to take the kids while they rode some adult rides.  Ryan is not one for any amusement rides, kiddie, or not, so he was in charge of photo taking while I rode with the kids.  Brigitta and Andrea were much more daring than Roland, so more than once I had to give him a little "physical encouragement" by carrying him onto the rides, but he was a good sport once they started. 
Ryan and I were laughing at how cute Roland looked in his driving hat driving his old fashioned car.

Eric and Amy joined us again for a couple more rides and offered to watch Andrea for a while but, honestly, and that point we were beat.
Amy and I chose not to spin our tea cup, but Roland wanted to try.
I was busing trying to find Ryan, but didn't realize he was taking our picture.  Andrea made me so nervous on the sky ride, she wanted to sit so close to the edge, I didn't take my hands off her hips the whole time.

We left by 4 o'clock, but we had been there for almost 8 hours and had to wake Andrea up early.  She was asleep before we even left the parking lot, which was expected.
 We stopped at Chuck-A-Rama on the way home for dinner.  We decided next year for her Lagoon Dance Day we'll try to bring the camping trailer up and stay at the RV Park there.  That way we won't have to get up so early, and we can go take a break mid-day if we need.

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