Friday, February 17, 2012

Changing and Re-arranging

You should all realize by now that I get restless if the decor in my house stays the same for too long. Well it's been 7 years since we painted our bedroom, and one day I got the itch. Something else you should realize about me, is that once I get something in my head, I can't get things done soon enough! Whether it's buying a car, cutting my hair, or painting a room. So before Ryan new what was happening I was looking at swatches and taking the room apart.
I decided on a pale blue, and I LOVE IT! I actually completed it a few months ago, but after getting some new bedding for Christmas, the room is finally complete.
Here is the bedroom before

And now
I also painted the art on the wall, and let Andrea join in on the fun too. She didn't want her painting in her room, she wanted in Mommy and Daddy's room, like mine, so you can see, it is now proudly displayed above my nightstand.

This week we also re-arranged Andrea's room. I was started to feel bad that this big 3 year old girl was still squeezing into a toddler bed. So Ryan and I were debating whether to buy a new twin bed, or use the full size mattress and frame we've been storing downstairs. Turns out her crib turns into a full size headboard, problem solved!

Andrea and I picked out some bedding online.. can't tell you how happy I am that she didn't pick Dora or Princess. The design she picked actually matches really well with her ceiling fan and the stencil I did on the wall years ago.

I'm still trying to figure out where to put the rest of the stuff in her room now. She loves her new big bed, she couldn't wait to go to sleep the first night, and has sleep the whole night through every night since. Part of me wonders if the extra effort for her to get out of the bed convinces her to hold her bathroom breaks til morning, but no accidents so far, so no complaints from me!

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