Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's a Thanksgiving Miracle!

I'm the type of person that likes to always plan things out in my head, I picture exactly how things are going to work. So I had this "timeline" laid out of when things would be done during the pregnancy. That timeline has gone out the window and I blame bead board! Ryan and I are working on the nursery. My "timeline" said it would be done before November, we'll that didn't happen.

We had been looking at our local Home Depot for the bead board we wanted for about a month and it was never in stock. So one evening we decided if they didn't have it (again) we would take a drive into Salt Lake. Well, 4 Home Depots later.... we came home with no bead board. So the next week we thought let's try it one more time on our way to pick up some dinner. Of course, the shelf was empty, however there were two new packets waiting to be stocked. Ryan found a worker and explained that "we are not leaving without it". So we waited for them to stock and unwrap it.
Finally our nursery has bead board up! And Ryan has been such a sport hauling the panels in and out to the shop to measure and cut, then putting up base molding to surprise me while I was at work and we finally have everything we need to finish!

And for a quick pregnancy update... here is a picture for those of you who have been asking, 7 months along.


Stacy said...

You look so good!

Sara said...

What a cute pregnant girl! :) And I'm so glad that things are getting done with the nursery. Good luck with your Thanksgiving dinner.

. said...

Look at you, so cute pregnant!

Melissa said...

Hey, It's Melissa Cox here. I just started a blog but I've been reading yours for awhile. You look so great. I want to put you on mine. I hope you don't mind. ours is melissaandcodycox.blogspot I hope everything is going swell with that beautiful baby and maybe you could put up a picture of your beadboard. I'd like to see your cute craftyness!!!

Kari said...

Kristi-you look great for being 7 months! When's your due date? what a great hubby!
