Saturday, September 29, 2007

Family Pictures

I don't know how many people actually read this thing, at least Julie... thanks Jules! So I really don't know why I am still going at it! I have a myspace, I have a facebook, I'm even part of WAYN (I think), and blogging. What has this world come to? That I have to be involved in four different internet-based lifestyles to keep in touch with past friends? It's a sad thought really, what ever happened to picking up the phone or even better taking a trip? Oh well, I'll do my best trying to create myself through a keyboard.

My point of this babble today is that we had family pictures last weekend, yay! It was a lot of fun and past due. It's been four and 1/2 years since Ryan and I had good, nice pictures done. Honestly it's difficult to be motivated to get up-to-date pictures without children. But I figured that I need to be proud of the life and family that I do have, and take advantage of it. So here are some of the pictures... I apologize if you have already seen them on myspace or facebook!

1 comment:

. said...

You Blog just for me?? Oh, I feel so special! See, I don't have all that other stuff (my space, etc, etc, etc) so Blogging is good for me to keep in touch!