But of course I couldn't get her to stay in it for her nap. So I let her fall asleep on me in the living room and carried her in for her nap. While she was sleeping I did some online reading about the best ways to make the transition easy for her. Most articles I read said, "don't jump to conclusions. Just because your toddler has figured out how to climb out of the crib, doesn't necessarily mean they are ready for a toddler bed. So I thought, "well she does have one more notch to lower the mattress. Maybe I'll try that". So I went to work converting it back to a crib.
The next day during nap time I watched through the door as she climbed out of her crib like a pro, walked to the door, opened it, and greeted me with "Hi Mama". Uggh! So here we go again converting the crib back into a toddler bed. Now it was just a matter of safety, I didn't want her climbing out while she was half asleep during the night.
The first night I let her fall asleep on me and then carried her to bed. She woke up around midnight wandering the hall crying, "Mama Mama" which broke my heart. My sister-in-law suggested putting a baby gate at her door so she would still be safe, what a great idea! She didn't feel quite so trapped as she would with a shut door. So every night I would lay her in bed and as soon as I shut the door, she would quietly climb out, grab her pillow, open the door and fall asleep next to the gate. When I would try to move her to her bed, she would wake up in a panic and the fight would start again. I quickly learned to just let her sleep on the floor. Time for the next idea...
I figured maybe if I bought some "fun" sheets that would attract her to sleeping in bed. I am not a big fan of any clothes or toys that are "commercialized" I tend to stay away from the Princess, Pooh, or Dora type of stuff. I found an Elmo set, which is a little easier for me to accept and she does love Elmo. So that night when we put them on I made a big deal about her fun new Elmo bed and even made Daddy come in to talk about how great her new sheets were. She seemed thrilled!
As I was making the bed it finally occured to me.... "I bet if I move her pillow so she can see the door she just might feel okay about me leaving. I know, I know, wishful thinking... but I think it helped. She always let me lay her in bed but still spent most nights on the floor. Until this week. I am happy to report that the past 3 nights she has spent the majority, if not all the night in her bed! Wonders of wonders, miracles, miracles! It's amazing how such a thing could bring me so much happiness, but after all my work and concern I am proud to say my toddler sleeps in a toddler bed!