Looking into the room before....
Towards the window before....
And now....
I'm so happy I managed to get Tessy in both pictures, what a funny dog!
As you can tell Ryan did SO mush work putting up the bead board and shelving. He did the routing on all the shelves himself. I love looking at the perfect details of it, he curved each shelf at the end where the curtains and door would have hit, it looks so great! I felt as though I should put some work into the room so I chose to stencil her name on the wall, but it was Ryan's idea to overlap the squares, dang him and his good ideas!
So now it's just a waiting game, all the bags are packed, and only 4 more days of work so we are ready! I just cannot believe this day is here! My entire life I have wanted children and to stay at home to raise them... I don't know quite how to react now that it's a reality.