I've been tagged by Kristi, which I was excited about because I haven't blogged in a while, to take the movie survey:
Favorite movies you have to be "in the mood" for in order to enjoy:
1. The Simpsons Movie
2. The Music Man
Favorite movies that make you laugh out loud no matter how many times you have watched them
1. Wayne's World (both parts)
2. Christmas Vacation
Your favorite "Guilty Pleasures"
1. The Princess Diaries.
2. A Knight's Tale.
Favorite movies you have seen so many times, you can recite all the lines
1. White Christmas
2. Sleepless in Seattle
Movies that "Opened your eyes."
1. What Dreams may come.
2. Life is Beautiful
Most Overrated
1. Pirates of the Carribean (I do like it, don't get me wrong, I just think there are better movies out there)
2. Harry Potter
What were the last 2 movies you watched
1. Pirates of the Carribean, at World's End.
2. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (well I'm progressively watching it during my workouts)
Favorite "smart" movies
1. Any of the Ocean's movies.
2. National Treasure
Your spouse's/significant other's favorites
1. I'm guessing these but... Black Hawk Down.
2. Office Space.
Your all time favorites:
1. Back to the Future
2. Lord of the Rings
Wow, it was tough to think of just two on some of those.
Alright now I tag, Julie, Gregory, and Stacy. It will be interesting to hear other's answers.